A plate of salad beside cannabis products available at Flower Haze Bank Street Ottawa. cooking with cannabis.

Cooking with Cannabis 101

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Canada has been groundbreaking in its legalization of cannabis for medical use in 2001 and was only the second country to legalize it federally in 2018. The cannabis culture has been flooded by newbies since, and those who do not like the idea of inhaling foreign substances into their lungs have found that cooking with cannabis is their favorite way to consume it. Making weed brownies or a delicious pasta with cannabis sauce is a wonderful way to use it medicinally or recreationally. 


How does eating cannabis differ from smoking it?

Lungs offer the fastest route of absorption into the body, so the effects of cannabis will be felt within two to 10 minutes when inhaled, peaking at 10 minutes, and lasting one to three hours. When it must travel through the digestive system, its effects will not be felt for 30 to 60 minutes. It offers more consistency as it will not peak until the two-hour mark and will last up to 24 hours. 


Making cannabis infusions takes practice.

The number one mistake individuals make when creating cannabis infusions is that they do not decarboxylate it, a process that will provide a more intense effect. Activation for CBD begins at 295 degrees for 30 to 60 minutes and 240 for 30 to 60 minutes for THC. Different bases deliver a variety of results when used for infusions, and a fat-based product, such as butter or oil, will extract the most CBD or THC. 


Do I simply add cannabis to my recipe?

Throwing buds into a recipe is a common mistake made by novices. The first step to cooking with cannabis is to choose the desired strain and dosage. It is crucial to record an estimate of the THC per serving and the results for each dish because it takes time to develop the perfect flavor and have the desired outcome. The next decision for the chef is if they will use a professionally created cannabis cooking powder or oil or one they have prepared themselves. It is a detailed process to find the perfect amount of cannabis to use in recipes. Many cannabis infusions possess a distinct natural flavor so deciding on flavors that may mask it is the key to a delicious dish. Strong herbs help a savory dish, and chocolate can enhance a dessert. The final step is using the infusion in the recipe to produce a unique, flavorful creation. Knowing dosages and measurements will help each person incorporate cannabis into their cooking and discover beneficial results.  

Finding a cannabis lounge or café may not happen any time soon in Ottawa, Ontario, but locating an assortment of weed accessories, CBD topicals and extracts for animals and humans, and dabbing rigs, when walking down Bank Street will be fun with one visit to Flower Haze. This cannabis dispensary boasts a knowledgeable and friendly staff where individuals may love the aura enough to join them in combining their passion with their job. 

Are you looking for pre-made and ready-to-consume edibles?

Browse our selection of edibles now!

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