Cannabis CBD Drops on a wooden platter on top of green grass, moss and weeds in nature

CBD products are flying off the shelves in Ottawa

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CBD products are flying off the shelves in Ottawa

People in Ottawa cannot scroll through social media without seeing CBD products. The industry has exploded with a 706% increase in sales from 2018 to 2019. The rapid growth of CBD products has left consumers confused about whether it will improve their lives or if it is merely a baseless panacea. However, with decades of research behind it, it displays properties that ease a variety of symptoms. Across the world, cannabis is gradually being legalized for both recreational and medicinal use for humans and animals, and it has the research proving that it is worthy of the hype.

 CBD defined, how does it work?

Scientific experiments have indicated that the cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant mimic the endocannabinoids naturally produced by most vertebrates. They bind to receptors in the Endocannabinoid System (ECS), and when the ECS is out of balance, CBD products can help restore it. The ECS is responsible for regulating many bodily functions. Cannabinoids bind to receptors that are found in abundance on everything from neurons to immune cells. They also degrade when they are no longer necessary, making CBD possibly a safer option than opioids and other classes of pain medications that have drastic side effects and addictive properties.

Does CBD really help?

Many people may wonder how the ECS becomes imbalanced in the first place. There is an immeasurable number of possibilities as to why a regulatory system may fail, such as the improper action of a hormone or a genetic failure. Regardless of the reason, multiple physiological and psychological diseases with unrelated symptoms have exhibited a positive response when treated with CBD products.

People in Ottawa do seem to love CBD, what’s the secrete?

Part of the growth in the popularity of CBD products is that they are available in various forms. They cater to people who prefer to inhale it, as well as those who like the lasting effects of edibles. Other options include oils and tinctures, pills, topical creams and lotions, vaping cartridges, and dab rigs. Another reason that it’s attractive is the research showing little evidence that it has addictive properties. One of the most significant benefits of the consumption of CBD products is that it does not contain enough THC to induce a psychoactive effect, allowing users to maintain their daily routine.

With intense lab work being limited because of cannabis’ Schedule I drug classification, knowledge is still being gathered. CBD products show promise, but there is still a long way to achieving a complete understanding of what they can and cannot accomplish as a solution to many of society’s ailments.

Enthusiasts in Ottawa, Ontario, searching for a Cannabis dispensary or weed store can find answers regarding the differences between marijuana and CBD at Flower Haze Cannabis Boutique. Flower Haze focuses on desired experiences, not necessarily strain types, and can help customers find products, accessories, and provide educated discussion and recommendations.

Looking for the best CBD products in Ottawa?

Shop Now

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